Are your sales brochures always out of date?

By Steve Hunt

29th June 2016

How embarrassing is it when you give out your sales brochures only to realise that everything in it is out of date. All that hard work getting a new business lead, getting a meeting booked, travelling, presenting a great pitch, then leaving something worthless to remember you by.

Not only does it make you look bad, but it also gives the impression that maybe your company can’t do the job you are pitching for.

As soon as you make excuses about your sales brochures the opposition has one up on you, all because you can’t produce a simple up-to-date brochure, and keep it up-to-date.

Never let yourself get into this situation again, Libris has the solution that will always keep your marketing up-to-date, professional and personal. Give confidence back to your sales and marketing teams to help them win more business.

If you would like to discuss Libris or book a demo please call 0845 206 8007