Do you know your DAM from your PIM?

By Steve Hunt

28th October 2015

Fulfils ‘Customer Experience’ criteria in nurturing confidence by being open and transparent..

A, B, C, it’s easy as 1, 2, 3, right? Not always, we’ve found.

Acronyms abound in the digital world and they can confuse the best of us, let alone a web-weary customer trying to navigate the best way forward for business growth. Having quick and easy explanations at your fingertips will help your clients cut through industry jargon and make the world an all-round sunnier place.

DAM – a digital asset management system

‘DAM good for data’ is how the Libris team describes our Digital Asset Manager, and, put simply, a DAM system is like a large, beautifully organised digital filing cabinet that you can fill to the brim with your company’s digital assets – such as logos, product images, training videos and any other media you need to share.

Moreover, this is a magic filing cabinet, and however large your collection of digital assets becomes, it will never spill out untidily all over the office floor. Rather, a good DAM will grow organically with your business and provide a secure, centralised storage facility for precious data. It should enable you to find any company asset – such as the correct image, logo or video – quickly and easily, and  offer one-click sharing and reformatting options across multiple channels, media and programmes.

PIM – a product information management system

A relative newbie on the block, a PIM is the most wonderful tool for any company that wants to store all of their product information in one place and automatically update this info on all of their sales channels instantly from the single data source.

Like a glittering champagne tower, watch as you pour a new product, or piece of product info, into the single glass at the top, and it flows automatically and seamlessly down into all of the other glasses in your tower.

A good PIM system will connect your product with your customers quickly, delivering updates automatically across all of your digital sales channels. It should be secure and dependable, and offer practical help such as image enhancement or editing, and language translation at the click of a button.

Libris PIM is an affordable cloud-based system that provides all of these features and can be tailor-made to fit any kind of product or company. It can help organise product information, open a new sales channel in minutes, and save your organisation a huge amount of time and money by reducing repetitive updating tasks by up to 90%.